Usability Testing

Usability tests are essential at every stage of creating and optimising any successful digital product or a large website. Observing how real users go through your solution gives you an invaluable insight about the UX weaknesses and strengths, but it is also a great way to learn about how the end-user perceives your brand or company.

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What is a usability test?

Usability tests are structured processes of testing your solution. They allow you to measure whether your solution is easy to learn to a representative part of your target users. Usually, it consists of observing your users trying to perform various tasks on your website, in your app or e-commerce.

Usability tests can be carried out on released products or prototypes.

Do I need usability tests?

There is no User Experience without the user. If your UX budget is tight, we would suggest you invest it all in usability tests. Every stage of the product life cycle is perfect for conducting usability tests.

Optimising an existing product

You have a website or online store, but the sales metrics or lead generation are stale? Then, usability tests help you identify leaky points of your customer journey.

Before redesign

When you’re planning a website redesign, usability tests help you find usability issues, so you can address them with redesign. You learn what works great for the current version.

During design or prototyping

Before the project enters development phase, test if you’re building the right solution with real users. Check if your product is as easy to use as your team thinks it is.

Right after product launch

User experience is not a one-time event but a continuous process. Work on the user experience, optimize new product features. Plus, tests on newly launched digital products help you troubleshoot technical issues.

What does the process looks like?

Choosing an objective

We begin with determining what we are trying to learn, choosing tasks, and developing the test script.

Sampling users

We find people who use your product or fit your targeted demographic. Usability tests are qualitative in nature – you need just 5 people of every user segment to find the majority of issues.

Recruiting users

Recruit your clients to take part in the test (using social media) or ask an research agency or recruitment panel to help you with finding the representative test group.

Running a test

Tests take form of a moderated, scheduled events or remote unmoderated, recorded sessions. Usually tests focus on solving the task and answering follow-up questions about the user and their experience with the product.

Reporting back

We then compile a report with suggested improvements. It contains observations and results of the test. We give you tips on what actions to take.

What do I get at the end?

After the tests, you get a full, detailed report about how your users got through various tasks, what their impressions were and what they thought. We can identify the biggest usability issues based on our observations and user commentaries during the tests. Report contains a plan of action and actionable tips on how to solve the problems that come from our experience and understanding of your business.

How much does it cost?

The cost of usability tests largely depends on the size of the user sample and how complicated it is to get to test subjects (whether you’re recruiting users by yourself, using a recruitment panel or an agency).

The cost is also influenced by logistics, compensation or gifts for the test group. Planning, executing the whole endeavor and creating the comprehensive report can also affect the price.

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