Processes are the fundament of every organisation. Life in a company revolves around them. In order to streamline work in a large-scale organisation, various types of documents are created: procedures, instructions, forms. We have developed a document module with a search engine, filtering and thematic library.
CCC Intranet
Scope of work
UX Research, UX Design, UI Design

The goal of the project outlined the first challenges for us, but some of them emerged during the work at different stages. At we believe that every challenge is a development, and finding solutions together gives us a lot of satisfaction.
Diverse product users
CCC is a large organisation with several groups of users that have different needs, levels of advancement in using technology and diverse ways of working. We had to take into account users from managers to warehouse workers.
A multidimensional product
During the workshops with the consulting teams and during the daily work on the product, we were constantly learning how the company works and what needs different users have. Responding to this, we shaped the structure of the new Intranet.
Needs + trends + implementation
It was also somewhat of a challenge to combine our experience and current trends in interface design with the needs of the organisation and the way the development team worked. We worked in parallel – as soon as we closed a certain design stage, it was taken over by the development team.
Intranet in such a large organisation with a distributed structure is a complex cross-sectional and multi-level tool. The core project team consisted of several people responsible for project management, UX/UI projects, and development. Additionally, subsequent views were consulted with working groups from different areas of CCC Group’s activity.
People involved in the project worked in different locations – from the client’s offices, shops, warehouses and homes. To ensure that despite this difficulty, communication could run smoothly, we selected a set of tools:

Project assumptions
When starting the work on the Intranet, we sorted out the needs, requirements and collected information to mark out three main project assumptions. They simplified the several-month work on exact solutions in a project of such a large scope. We took that our design aims to make the product:
First of all, the Intranet is a work tool – we have to develop functionalities that meet the needs of employees.
In such a large organisation with diverse groups of employees (offices, shops, warehouses), we have to deal with various levels of competence in using computers and mobile devices.
The new Intranet is designed to attract the unconvinced – we looked for ways to interest employees on many levels.
Functional solutions
Document module

Thematic vortals
In order to make it easier for employees to find information, we have grouped certain topics into groups corresponding to departments within internal vortals.
They can be used to quickly find information on internal services (e.g. benefits, IT, volunteering).

My tasks
A very important functionality helpful in everyday work is the “My Tasks” module, which groups both tasks created within the Intranet and those coming from external systems.

In the “My Store” vortal, we have developed a detailed operational calendar for the Sales Department employees: tasks, alerts and messages are visible on a daily, weekly and monthly view. The employee can also control holiday days.

Building commitment
How do you make the company Intranet place employees are more likely to look at? We like to use products that we enjoy, that develop us and bring us closer to other people.
Surveys, contests, gamification
The survey module, exposure of competitions, kudos ranking, the ability to add praise, and knowledge quizzes are tools that engage the user in various fields: gaining knowledge, competition, giving feedback.

Discussion groups and reactions
The whole team was keen for the final product to be as engaging as possible for users – so that in addition to searching for documents, “ticking off” tasks, etc., employees could integrate, share information and opinions.
Friendly illustrations
One of the project goals was to warm up the image of the company and the Intranet itself. In many places, instead of using photos from promotional sessions, we decided to use specially prepared illustrations, emphasizing the human (employee) focus of the brand and organization and adding a human aspect to the content.

First impressions
Along with the implementation of the project, feedback was collected – here are some selected comments after presentations of the UI mockups to the consultation groups.